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NEWS (archive)


Dec. 2nd-4th, 2024

Advancements in Mesoscale Materials Modeling

The three-day workshop on "Advancements in Mesoscale Materials Modeling" took place at the Institute of Scientific Computing. With a thematic focus per day (Mat. Sci., soft matter, new methods), participants discussed recent results and future challenges in the field.

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September 16th, 2024

New preprint on analysis and design of hyperuniform patterns

The work unveils whether hyperuniformity can be inferred from the distribution of local arrangements available in arXiv. Therein, we show that this is possible by leveraging persistent homology combined with advanced analysis and machine learning


August 29th, 2024

Published in Science: "Grain boundaries are Brownian Ratchets"

Our work on directional migration of grain boundaries induced by oscillating fields has been published in Science. Different methods and experiments shed light on GB kinetics and microstructure evolution, 


August 10th, 2024

Paper published in Mechanics of Materials

The mesoscale model for elasticity and defects in deformable crystalline sheets has been accepted for publication in Mechanics of Materials. We assessed its reliability and revealed interest behavior for dislocation motion and interaction on deformable surfaces.


July 2024

Marco Salvalaglio appointed as Professor (apl)

Marco Salvalaglio has been appointed as apl. Professor of Computational Materials Science at the faculty of Mathematics (Institute of Scientific Computing) of TU Dresden.


July 25th, 2024

Marco Salvalaglio joins the MSMSE Editorial Board

M. Salvalaglio joins the Editorial Board of MSMSE, an IOP-Science journal, partner of the PURPOSE-LED PUBLISHING group. Leaders in their fields, EB members work with the in-house editorial team to ensure the coverage of relevant topics and high-quality peer review.


July 17th, 2024

Invited talk at NanoSea 2024

The research on tailoring Solid State Dewetting with the aid of continuum model and PF simulations will be presented at the NANOstructures and nanomaterials SElf-Assembly conference by Dr. Salvalaglio with an invited talk.


July 2nd, 2024

Dr. Salvalaglio wins the MSMSE Emerging Leader Award ('23)

After the prestigious nomination as an MSMSE Emerging Leader in 2023, Dr. Salvalaglio has been selected also as the winner of the related award among all the nominee for his work on Gradient Elasticity in Swift-Hohenberg and phase field crystal models

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June 21st, 2024

Muri-HU Seminar on local structures in HU @ (Princeton/ASU)

Dr. Salvalaglio contributes to the webinar series on hyperuniformity-related topics organized within the MURI-HU project led by Prof. S. Torquato. talking about "Unveiling local structures in hyperuniform patterns via persistent homology and topological statistics." (paper here)


June 3rd-7th, 2024

Presentation at ECCOMAS '24

The group joins also the 2024 edition of the ECCOMAS conference, this year in Lisbon. The PhD student Marcello De Donno presents his work on mesoscale modeling of deformations in quasicrystals, inspired by and pushing the boundary of, phase field crystal modeling.

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May 16th, 2024

Dr. Salvalaglio Visiting Uni. Oslo

Dr. Salvalaglio will visit the Physics Department of the University of Oslo for an exchange on current and future research projects, involving elasticity and plasticity in (quasi-)crystalline systems, crystalline sheets and stress relaxation in geological systems.

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May 1st, 2024

New paper in Phys. Rev Research on topology of HU point clouds

Our work on the characterization of local structures in hyperuniform point clouds via topological statistics (of graph neighborhoods) and persistent homology has been published in Physical Review Research!

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April 25th, 2024

Featured talk, DGM Material Modeling Expert Commitee Meeting

he work of the group on novel mesoscale phase field models bridging the scales in the study of crystalline systems has been presented during the meeting of the DFG Expert Committee in Material Modeling - followed by interesting and useful discussions!


March 18th, 2024

GAMM awards Dr. Marco Salvalaglio the Richard von Mises Prize '24

Marco Salvalaglio was awarded the Richard von Mises Prize. This annual award is given out by the GAMM (Society for Applied Mathematics and Mechanics) for outstanding scientific achievements in the field of applied mathematics and mechanics.


March 18th-22th, 2024

DPG Meeting (Berlin) & GAMM Meeting (Magdeburg)

The group attends both the meeting German Physical Society - Condensed Matter Section (DPG)in Berlin) of the Society for Applied Mathematics and Mechanics with four different talks covering most of the current activities!

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Feb. 21-22th, 2024

Invited presentation at RAM3-Rome

Dr. Salvalaglio will present an overview on the mesoscale modelling of ordered systems with a focus on defects in crystals at the "Recent advances in Mechanics and Mathematics of Material (RAM3) workshop" at Università la Sapienza, Rome.

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Feb. 8-9th, 2024

Two talks at the GAMM PF workshop in Dresden

At the annual GAMM PF workshop, this here in Dresden, the group will present current work on current extensions of PFC models (Maik) and PF modelling of disconnection-mediated interface migration (Marco).

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Jan. 23rd  2023

New preprint on topology of HU point clouds

In a new arXiv preprint, we report on the connection between global hyperuniformity and local structure in hyperuniform point clouds. We established a link between finite-sized systems and idealized arrangements, and unveil general topological features


Dec. 28th  2023

Paper published in PNAS

Our new paper published in PNAS shows that disconnection flow naturally leads to changes in grain orientation and stress release. It includes continuum modeling, a modified Cahn-Taylor model, and remarkable comparisons with MD simulations.

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Dec. 14th  2023

Gradient Elasticity in SH and PFC models

We connected gradient-elasticity to the theory of order-disorder phase transition, see this new arXiv preprint. This follows from Swift-Hohenberg and phase-field crystal models and completes the analysis of the elasticity naturally encoded therein!

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Nov. 29th - Dec. 1st  2023

FOR3013 and Presentation on Surface APFC model

Exiting time at the workshop of the DFG Research Unit FOR3013 - Vector- and Tensor-Valued Surface PDEs - (Dresden (29.11-01.12.). Lucas also presents the results of mesoscale modeling of crystalline sheets on defect motion influenced by out-of-plane deformation.


Nov. 25th 2023

New preprint on hyperuniform active systems

In this work - arXiv:2311.14959 - We report on the characterization of active fluids unveiling hyperuniformity in some regimes. We report on a biological interpretation and further implications concerning optimal states for evasion and foraging.

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Nov. 1st 2023

Welcome to Abel, new Ph.D. Student

Abel Milor joins the group and begins his activities as a research assistant to pursue his Ph.D. at the IWR. His work will focus on morphological descriptors and hyperuniformity within the Research Training Group "Data-driven design of resilient metamaterials". Welcome!


Oct. 18th 2023

Paper published in Physica Scripta

The work on "Germanium-based nearly hyperuniform (HU) nanoarchitectures by ion beam impact" is now published in Physics Scripta (arXiv preprint available). It reports on a (classical) fabrication method for HU structure including, an experimental demonstration.

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Oct. 10th 2023

Research stay at University of Oslo

Marcello will be visiting the Dept. of Physics of the University of Oslo for a short-term research stay (Oct. - Nov.) in the group of Prof. L. Angheluta. His activities will focus on defect kinematics in quasicrystals, complementing his mesoscale models of ordered systems.

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Oct. 5th 2023

Two Talks @ "PF Modelling: Analysis & Benchmarks"

Marcello and Maik present their work at the "Phase Field Modelling: Analysis & Benchmarks" workshop, an event promoting exchanges and roadmaps on ''Materials Modelling, Simulation and Data'' as well as "Virtual Materials Design and Digitalization".

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Sept. 21st 2023

A new preprint on deformable crystalline sheets is out!

We developed a mesoscale model for elasticity and defects in deformable crystalline sheets, like graphene, and revealed intriguing insights into dislocation motion and interaction. Preprint available on arXiv

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August 31st 2023

Paper published in Advanced Optical Materials

A nice collaborations involving different computational methods and experiments led to this nice results about "strain engineering of quantum emitters in silicon". The work has been published in Advanced Optical Materials.


August 25th 2023

Two papers accepted in PAMM

Novel results presented by the Ph.D. students Maik Punke and Marcello De Donno to the 2023 edition of GAMM have been accepted for publication in the Proceeding of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics


August 21st - 24th 2023

DCIM - DCMS Summer School 2023

The 2023 edition of the established format of the DCMS - DCIM summer school is on "Data-driven exploration and design of materials". Do not miss the keynote talk on "Modeling pattern formation and analyzing emergent morphologies" by Dr. Marco Salvalaglio.


July 13th, 2023

Paper out in npj Computational Materials

Our "unified field theory of topological defects and non-linear local excitations" is now published in npj Computational Materials. It reports on a versatile method to study collective phenomena in different physical systems unveiling interesting analogies.

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July 4th, 2023

Theoretical Physics Seminar @ OVG University Magdeburg

An invited seminar on "Coarse-grained phase field crystal modeling of defects and interfaces" has been given by Dr. Salvalaglio at the Theoretical Physics Department of the Otto-von-Guericke University of Magdeburg.

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June 21st, 2023

Contribution to the MB2A workshop

Dr. Salvalaglio presented an invited contribution to the workshop MATHEMATICAL BIOLOGY - APPLICATIONS AND ANALYSIS illustrating pattern formation in Swift-Hohenberg models and related research on mesoscale elasticity and defects


June 14th 2023

Talk @ 9th Earthflow workshop in Oslo

Dr. Salvalaglio contributed to the 9th Earthflow workshop organised by the Physics and Geology Dept. of University of Oslo. Researchers with different background are invited to share research and discuss material properties across scales.


May 30th - June 2nd, 2023

We are @ 93rd GAMM annual meeting with 4 talks!

We are contributing to the annual meeting of the GAMM (German society for applied math. and mechanics) with different talks on mesoscale modeling (phase-field crystals, coarse-grained material modeling, disconnections and interfaces) 


May 22nd, 2023

Talk at ISTDM-ICSI 2023

Dr. Salvalaglio contributed to the International Conference on Silicon Epitaxy and Heterostructure 2023 (Como, IT), with a talk entitled "Emergence of Hyperuniformity in self-assembled SiGe nanostructures (Results of the FET-OPEN EU Project NARCISO)


May 11th, 2023

Institute Colloquium at IOM Leipzig

An invited seminar on "Tailoring the self-assembly of ordered and correlated-disordered nanostructures by solid-state dewetting" will be given by Dr. Salvalaglio at the renowned Leibniz-Institut für Oberflächenmodifizierung (IOM) (Surface Engineering) of Leipzig.

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May 9th, 2023

"Karlsruher Werkstoffkolloquium" @ KIT (IAM)

Dr. Salvalaglio will give a seminar at the Institute of Applied Materials of the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology. The contribution is included in the calendar of the Karlsruher Werkstoffkolloquium - Karlsruhe Material Colloquium


April 18th 2023

Paper published in Appl. Surf. Sci.

In this work, we demonstrate the integration with silicon of fully relaxed germanium-on-insulator nanolayers enabled by micro-holes patterning. Phase field simulation explain the underlying dynamics and unveil analogy with free standing layers


April 6th 2023

Paper out in Acta Materialia

Some of the latest work on disconnection-mediated interface and grain boundaries properties out in Acta MaterialiaElastic interactions of disconnections impact interface morphologies & kinetics and lead to a thermodynamic faceting-defaceting transitions.


March 29th 2023

Paper published in Physical Review Materials

The paper on coarse-grained modeling (APFC) of crystal structures with tunable accuracy is now published in Physical Review Materials. It features modeling aspects and numerical examples, e.g., dislocations in kagome and diamond lattice.


March 26th-30th 2023

Five contribution at the DPG Spring Meeting in Dresden

Five contributions presenting general activity of the group and last scientific results are presented at the Spring Meeting of the German Physical Society (Condensed-Matter section) this year held in Dresden. Check out the conference website


March 9nd, 2023

Dr. Salvalaglio admitted to the Young Academy of Europe

Dr. Salvalaglio has been admitted to the Young Academy of Europe, a "bottom-up initiative of a dynamic and innovative group of recognised European young scholars with outspoken views about science and science policy"


March 2nd, 2023

Seminar by Prof. Brandon Runnels

Prof. B. Runnels is going to visit the group and the Institute of Scientific Computing at the beginning of March. He will give a talk about "The mechanics of grain boundaries and microstructure evolution". For more information see here


Feb. 24th, 2023

Design of Mie resonator by solid state dewetting

Dewetted SiGe islands tailored as Mie resonators using phase field model of surface diffusion. A great example of theory-experiment synergy published in Optics Express and chosen as editor pick!

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Feb. 9th, 2023

Paper in Advanced Engineering Materials

The work "Controlling Magnetic Anisotropy in Amplitude Expansion of Phase Field Crystal Model" is now published in Advanced Engineering Materials. A coarse-grained approach accounting for  magnetic anisotropy and magnetostriction.

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Feb. 6th-7th, 2023

Presentation(s) at 8th GAMM-Phase Field workshop

Two contributions have been presented at the 8th GAMM Workshop on Phase-field modeling (ETH-Zürich) entitled "Microscopically-informed phase field model of crystals" and "Possible advantages of a de Gennes-Cahn-Hilliard energy"


Feb. 6th, 2023

Preprint on nearly HU nano architectures of Ge

We report in this arXiv preprint on nearly hyperuniform nano architectures obtained by impacting thin amorphous Ge layers with ion beams. A fresh perspective on an established processing technique!


Jan. 31st, 2023

A unified description of defect and excitations in ordered systems

We propose "A unified field theory of topological defects and non-linear local excitations" in a new preprint on arXiv. It reports on a versatile method to study collective phenomena and applications to different physical systems showing interesting analogies


Jan. 13th, 2023

New preprint out on APFC for complex crystal structures

A new preprint on the coarse-grained modeling (APFC) of crystal structures with tunable accuracy is now available on arXiv. It features modeling aspects and numerical examples, e.g., dislocations in kagome and diamond lattice.


Dec. 9th, 2022

New Project funded!

Our project "Ordering and defects on deformable surfaces" will start in 2023together with other great projects within the "Vector- and Tensor-Valued Surface PDEs" Research Unit funded DFG. Open position announcement soon. See also project section!


Dec. 2nd, 2022

Seminar by Prof. M. Abbarchi at DCIM

Prof. M. Abbarchi presented his research on "Nano-imprint lithography of hard materials for photonic devices and biotechnology", sharing his experiences maturated across diverse academic research experiences and the grounding of a startup.

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Oct. 30th, 2022

Preprint on controlline Magnetic properties in the APFC model

The manuscript reporting on a magnetic APFC model reproducing magnetic anisotropy an mangetostriction, while tuning their relative importance is now available in arXiv. It includes proof of concepts for real material applications, e.g. for Iron!

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Oct. 9th, 2022

Preprint (proceeding) on efficient numerics for PFC models

Preprint of a conference proceeding entitled "Improved time integration for phase-field crystal models of solidification" is available on arXiv. It reports on convenient time integration for efficient PFC simulations


Oct. 3rd-4th, 2022

Workshop on disordered correlated media

A workshop organized by the consortium of the EU-project NARCISO on Disordered correlated media and application takes place in Florence (IT), with a contribution on the modeling and application of controlled solid-state dewetting by M. Salvalaglio


September 5th-16th, 2022

Attendance to the Phase-Field summer school 2022

Part of the group will attend the summer school "Phase-field models for the evolution of complex structures" in Peyresq (FR) to keep on with developments and strengthen the basis of phase-field and phase-field crystal modeling!


August 22-25th, 2022

DCIM Summer School "Dimensions of Intelligent Materials"

The DRESDEN-concept Summer School Dimensions of Intelligence in Materials 2022 organized with the direct contribution of the 3MS group features a talk on "Tailoring the design of thin-film and nanostructures" by Dr. Marco Salvalaglio

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August 17th, 2022

Talk @ GAMM Annual Meeting 2022

Phd Student Maik Punke presented his work on "Explicit temperature couplingin phase-field crystal models of solidification - elastic properties and multi-scale behavior" at the GAMM Annual meeting. And... related paper just accepted!

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July. 19th, 2022

Magnetic APFC model published in MSMSE

The work on a novel magnetic APFC model is now published in Model. Sim. Mater. Sci. Eng. in a special issue focusing on PFC modeling. A proof of concept on the effect of magnetic field on defect motion is given.


June 16th, 2022

Invited talk at EarthFlow 2022 (Oslo)

M. Salvalaglio gives an invited talk at the 8th EarthFlows annual Meeting entitled: Interface faceting-defaceting mediated by disconnections

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June 5th-9th, 2022

Organization Symposium @ ECCOMAS

M. Salvalaglio contributes to the organization of the symposium on "Computational Plasticity in Crystals and Polycrystals" at the 8th European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering (ECCOMAS Congress 2022).

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May 30th, 2022

PFC modeling of solidification with temperature effects in arXiv

Crystal growth including thermal expansion of the lattice is now handled within the phase field crystal framework (congrats to Maik for the first manuscript!). The results are now available as arXiv preprint

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September 27-29th, 2022

Two talks @ MSE 2022

M. Salvalaglio contributes to the MSE Congress (Darmstadt, DE) with two talks entitled "Scale-bridging modeling of elastic and plastic deformation using the APFC model" and "Continuum modeling of disconnection-mediated migration of interfaces in microstructures"


May 27th, 2022

Review on the APFC model published!

The topical review on the APFC model written with Prof. Ken Elder and entitled "Coarse-grained modeling of crystals by the amplitude expansion of the phase-field crystal model: an overview" is now published in Model. Simul. Mater. Sci. Eng 30, 053001 (2022)


May 26th, 2022

Interface Faceting-Defaceting Mediated by Disconnections

Accounting for the disconnection character of interfaces allows the reconciliation of various faceting-defaceting behavior of interfaces observed in experiments. The research is now available as arXiv preprint


May 25th, 2022

arXiv preprint on Hydrodynamic PFC

The research delivering the consistent coupling of the diffusive evolution of microscopic structures (via phase field crystal) with the dynamics of a macroscopic velocity field (hydrodyanamic) and related proofs of concepts is available as arXiv preprint


April 2nd, 2022

Back-to-back papers on out in Acta Materialia

The research on "Disconnection-Mediated Migration of Interfaces in Microstructures" carried out together with D. Srolovitz and J. Han is now published in a two-paper series in Acta Materialia: Part I: Continuum Description, Part II: Diffuse Interface Simulations


Marh 23rd, 2022

PFC/APFC modeling of elastic inclusions published

The modeling of elastic inclusions in APFC is now published in Examples and Counterexamples, 2, 100067 (2022). It reports on a framework to include eigenstrain is presented and it is shown to match well the analytical solution of the Eshelby problem.

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Feb. 15th, 2022

We introduce a magnetic APFC model

A novel magnetic APFC model has been developed in collaboration with Dr. Backofen and Prof. A. Voigt. The preprint "Magnetic APFC modeling and influence of magneto-structural interaction on grain shrinkage" is available in arXiv


Feb. 8th, 2022

Preprint of APFC model review available in arXiv

The topical review on the APFC model written with Prof. Ken Elder and entitled "Coarse-grained modeling of crystals by the amplitude expansion of the phase-field crystal model: an overview" is available in arXiv


Jan. 1st, 2022

Welcome to Lucas, new group's postdoc

Lucas Benoit-Maréchal, former PhD student et École Polytechnique (Paris), joined the groups after being a guest for a few months at the end of 2021. He will work on APFC modeling and its applications to surface crystals. Welcome!


Nov. 19th, 2021

New preprint on APFC modeling of elastic inclusions

A new preprint is available in arXiv on the modeling of elastic inclusions in APFC. A framework to include eigenstrain is presented and it is shown to match well the analytical solution of the Eshelby problem.

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Oct. 7th, 2021

New paper in arXiv on PFC Dislocation Dynamics

Some milestones of research on PFC description on defect dynamics are now reported in the preprint "A phase field crystal theory of the kinematics and dynamics of dislocation lines" available in arXiv


Sept. 22nd, 2021

Paper Published in Scientific Report

The work entitled "Faceting of Si and Ge crystals grown on deeply patterned Si substrates in the kinetic regime: phase-field modelling and experiments" has been published in Scientific Report within the research activity of the EU-OpenFET project microSPIRE


Sept. 17th, 2021

Picture exhibited at "Imaging Science" - Altana Gallery

A Picture ("Tribute to Keith Hering") featuring some of the group's research will be part of the exhibition “Imaging Science - Die Schönheit der Wissenschaft” Altana Gallery-Görges Bau (TUD - University Gallery of TUD). Vernissage 17.09.2021, Exhibition open until 22.10.2021.


Sept. 15th, 2021

Welcome to Vidar, Visiting PhD student

Vidar Skogvoll, Ph.D student at Oslo university will be visiting the Institute of Scientific Computing to work closely with us on phase-field crystal modeling and simulations. Welcome!


Sept. 2nd, 2021

Talk @ SemiconNano 2021

The work on Continuum modeling and simulation of solid-state dewetting, including recent theoretical developments and application (see also NARCISO EU project) has been presented at the SemiconNano meeting 2021.


July 29th, 2021

Paper Published in ACS Appl. Mat. Interfaces

The work on "Scalable Disordered Hyperuniform Architectures via Nanoimprint Lithography of Metal Oxides" is now published in ACS Appl. Mat. Interfaces. A step forward towards the implementation over large scales of disordered hyperuniform architectures


July 15th, 2021

Welcome to Maik, new Ph.D. Student

Maik Punke joins the group and begins his activities as research assistant to pursue his Ph.D at the Institute of Scientific Computing and Dresden Center of Computational Material Science. Welcome!


June 3rd, 2021

Talk @ 7th EarthFlow Workshop - NJORD Center

The research on the modeling of Disconnection-mediated interface migration has been presented at the 7th EarthFlow Workshop organized by the NJORD Center at the univeristy of Oslo

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May 21th, 2021

Talk @ SIAM-MS21

The research on defect motion in binary crystalline systems has been presented at the SIAM-MS21 meeting with a talk entitled "Effect of compositional Strain and Cottrell Atmospheres in Binary Systems by amplitude PFC modeling"


May 17th-28th, 2021

SIAM - MS21 meeting

The group actively takes part to SIAM Conference on Mathematical Aspects of Materials Science. with the organization of the MS48: "Multiscale and coarse-grained modeling of crystal defects, grain boundaries, and plasticity" (20-25 May, see programme online)


May 6th, 2021

Paper published in Phys. Rev. Lett.

The work on "Mesoscale Defect Motion in Binary Systems" is now published in Phys. Rev, Lett. 126, 185502 (2021) - arXiv:2101.06128 Analytical expressions for defect velocity are derived together with and amplitude phase field crystal modeling and simulations. 


April 5st, 2021

Issue Cover on Math. Model Appl. Sci. (Wiley)

The research on Doubly Degenerate Cahn-Hilliard model published in a two paper series in Math. Meth. Appl. Sci. made it to the Issue's Cover!
Links: Article I, Article II & COVER

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April 1st, 2021

Welcome to Marcello, new Ph.D. Student

Marcello De Donno joins the group and begins his activities as research assistant to pursue his Ph.D at the Institute of Scientific Computing and Dresden Center of Computational Material Science. Welcome!


March 18th, 2021

Two-paper series preprints available

The research on "Disconnection-Mediated Migration of Interfaces in Microstructures" carried out together with D. Srolovitz and J. Han is now reported in a two-paper series available as preprints: Part I: Continuum Description, Part II: Diffuse Interface Simulations

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March 16th, 2021

Talk @ 91st GAMM meeting

Dr. Marco Salvalaglio gives a talk entitled "A coarse-grained phase-field crystal model of plastic motion" at the 91 GAMM Meeting, illustrating recent results of the modeling of defects dynamics with the APFC model.

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March 1st, 2021

The activities of the "Emmy Noether" group begin!

The research activity funded by the DFG Emmy Noether Programme, entitled "A Mesoscale Framework for the modeling of defects and interface in crystals" begins today, March 1st 2021. We are looking forward for great research and collaborations!


January 18th, 2021

New Preprint available (APFC - Binary Systems)

Analytical expressions for defect velocity, amplitude phase field crystal modeling and simulations illustrated in our new preprint about "Mesoscale Defect Motion in Binary Systems". arXiv link here


December 23, 2020

2 back-to-back Papers Published in Math. Meth. Appl. Sci.

Two works, introducing the fully-variational Doubly Degenerate Cahn-Hilliard model have been published in Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences. The first address the isotropic version and its asymptotic analysis, while the second the anisotropic settings.


December 3, 2020

Contribution @ NanoSeminar (TUD)

Dr. Marco Salvalaglio illustrates the group research activities on coarse-grained modeling of crystals at the NanoSeminar, periodic appointment organized by the Institute of Material Science focusing on nanoscale material research

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November 12, 2020

Proposal for the Emmy Noether Programme Accepted

The proposal of the project "A mesoscale framework for the modeling of defects and interfaces in crystals" submitted for funding within the Emmy Noether Program has been accepted. Activities will begin in 2021.

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September 22-25, 2020

Research presented at the MSE congress of the DGM

Dr. Marco Salvalaglio contributed with two talks entitled "Closing the gap between atomic-scale lattice deformations and continuum elasticity within the phase-field crystal framework" and "Phase-field modeling of complex solid-state dewetting scenarios"

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September 15, 2020

Paper published in PRL

The research carried out within the EU-Project NARCISO about spontaneous spinodal-like dewetting, leading to hyperuniform structures has been published in Physical Review Letters 126, 126101 (2020). (arXiv link here)

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